Constructed by SCTJM as a tribute of love to Our Mother,
whose Heart and Maternal Womb
bore our Congregation and our
Spiritual Family.
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"Bring your
Mother into everything interior"
"The Marian
dimension of the life of a disciple of Christ is expressed
in a special way precisely through this filial entrusting to
the Mother of Christ, which began with the testament of the
Redeemer on Golgotha. Entrusting himself to Mary in a filial
manner, the Christian, like the Apostle John, "welcomes" the
Mother of Christ "into his own home" and brings her into
everything that makes up his inner life, that is to say,
into his human and Christian "I": he "took her to his own
home." Thus the Christian seeks to be taken into that
"maternal charity" with which the Redeemer's Mother "cares
for the brethren of her Son," "in whose birth and
development she cooperates" in the measure of the gift
proper to each one through the power of Christ's Spirit.
Thus also is exercised that motherhood in the Spirit which
became Mary's role at the foot of the Cross and in the Upper
(Bl. John Paul II, Encyclical Mother of the Redeemer, 45)
"He who the
Lord wishes to make holy,
He makes very devoted to the Blessed Virgin Mary."
Saint Louis de Montfort
Papal Documents |

Apparitions and Advocations
of the
Blessed Virgin Mary |
Mother of the Redeemer |
Our Lady of Fatima |
Mulieris Dignitatem |
Our Lady of Lourdes |
Rosarium Virginis Mariae |
Our Lady of Czestochowa
The Rosary in the Family |
Our Lady of La Salette |
The Queenship of Mary
Our Lady of Beauraing |
Immaculate Conception |
Our Lady of Guadalupe |
Letter to Women |
Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal |
On the 50th Anniversary of
the Definition of the Immaculate Conception |
Our Lady of Garabandal |
Our Lady of La Leche and Happy Delivery |
Marian Doctrine |
Our Lady of Mount Carmel |
Mary in the Bible |
Our Lady of the Mystical
Rose |
Catechesis of Venerable
John Paul II |
Our Lady of Victories |
Marian Dogma |
Our Lady of the Poor (Our Lady of Banneaux) |
Mary in the Catechism |
Our Lady of Knock |
The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
Our Lady of Revelation |
The Immaculate Conception |
Our Lady of Good Help
Apparition |
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
Our Lady of Hope (Pontmain, France) |
Our Lady of Altagracia |
Teachings of Mother Adela,
Foundress SCTJM |
Our Lady of Laus - Refuge of Sinners |
The Word
Became Flesh in Mary's Womb
by the Power of the Holy Spirit |
Our Lady, Untier of Knots |
The Spiritual Maternity of
the Blessed Virgin Mary |
Our Lady of Akita |
Mary, Model of Faith, Hope
and Charity for the Third Millennium |
Our Lady of Luján |
Mary and the Beloved
Disciple at the Foot of the Cross |
Our Lady, Help of Christians |
At the End My Immaculate
Heart will Triumph |
Our Lady of Sorrows |
Our Lady Guardian of the Faith |
Marian Prayers & Devotions |
Our Lady of Mercy |
October: Month of the Holy
Rosary |
Our Lady of Aparecida |
The Holy Rosary |
Mother of Mercy |
Our Lady of Charity |
Our Lady of the Rosary |
Novena to Mary, Queen of
All Hearts |
Novena Prayers to Mary, Queen of Apostles |
External Links |
Novena to Our Lady
of Guadalupe |
Mother Of All Peoples |
The Seven Sorrows of Our Blessed Mother |
The Mary Page |
Our Lady of the Smile |
Mary's Project |
To Mary, Untier of Knots |
The Birth of Mary |
Totally Yours |
The Assumption of the
Blessed Virgin Mary |
Prayer to Our Lady of Prompt Succor |
The Miracle Hunter - Marian Apparitions |
Dictionary of 2, 600
Apparitions of Our Lady |
Is Seeing Believing? How the
Church Faces Claims
of Marian Apparitions |
This page is the work of the Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and
Copyright © 2006-2013 SCTJM