
"The time has come for us, driven by the renewing and sweeping force of the Spirit,
to do all we can to conquer the world for the Two Hearts.
(Madre Adela Galindo, Fundadora SCTJM)

Teachings of Mother Adelaa Galindo, Foundress SCTJM
Given to the Family of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary

>>> More teachings of Mother Adela, Foundress SCTJM

Series: "In the Cenacle of the Immaculate Heart, Let Us Be Apostles of a New Pentecost"
December 5, 2020
"Advent: A Time of Hope"
November 5, 2020
"The Power of Praise"
October 10, 2020
"Marian Consecration Forms Apostles for These Times of Battle" - Part II
September 5, 2020
"Marian Consecration Forms Apostles for These Times of Battle"
August 8, 2020
"Marian Consecration and the New Pentecost"

"The Church, united with the Virgin Mother, prays unceasingly as the bride of her divine Spouse, as the words of the Book of Revelation,
quoted by the Council, attest: 'The Spirit and the Bride say to the Lord Jesus Christ: Come!''"
(Saint John Paul II)

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