Mother Adela, SCTJM
For private use only
Historical context
In 1914, “the Great Battle” began. It was called so, because never
had anything like this happened before in the history of humanity.
The year 1917 marked the birth of atheism with the establishment of
the first atheist regime in the world. The revolution against God,
fruit of this First World War, in its initial and fundamental phase,
took on the form of the secularization of the powers of the world.
In the midst of this tense environment and as a response to the
prayer that Pope Benedict XV made to Our Lady on May 5, 1917,
imploring her to end the war, there occurs, just eight days later,
on the 13th of May, an event that transformed the history of the
Church and of the world in the Twentieth Century: the Blessed Virgin
appears in Fatima, Portugal. This intervention of the Heart of
Christ in our contemporary history, through the Heart of his Mother,
has been one of the most obvious signs “that God is not indifferent
before human difficulties, but rather penetrates them, bringing to
realization His ‘ways’, that is, His ‘designs’ and His efficacious
‘works’”, as the Holy Father Benedict XVI, calling to mind the
event, told us this past 11th of May.
In 1917 in Fatima, Portugal, a remote
town in the Iberian Peninsula, the Blessed Virgin appears to three
small shepherd children in a simple village, with a message that
would have transcendent repercussions in the history of the
twentieth century and for the life of the Church. A message of
extreme urgency for humanity. A humanity submerged in war, in a
great crisis of faith, and the Church- on the verge of initiating
what we can today call the Calvary of the Twentieth Century-
received from the Blessed Virgin a call to conversion, to
reparation, to the offering of self, and to the consecration to the
Hearts of Jesus and Mary, as the great remedy to battle the immense
evils of these times. The Blessed Mother showed us the means to
console the Heart of Her Son and to draw upon the world on this
great crisis of love, the triumph of Her Immaculate Heart, the
triumph of love, the triumph of Her Immaculate Heart, the triumph of
love, the reign of the Eucharistic Heart.
On May 13th, 1982, at the same place of the apparitions of Our Lady,
His Holiness John Paul II told us: “the essence of Our Lady of
Fatima’s call, is deeply rooted in the Gospel and in tradition, and
contains a truth and a call so fundamental in its context, that the
Church herself feels an urgency as a result of this message. This
call was made at the beginning of the twentieth century and
consequently has a direct and particular implication for the
generations of this century and the next to come. Therefore the
entire message that heaven has given us in this place should be
adhered to.”
The message that the Immaculate Heart of Mary would bring to the
world, was preceded by the guardian angel of Portugal, who in the
year 1916 prepared the children to understand the seriousness of the
moment and the importance of the fact that they had been chosen for
this task. By doing this, the Angel hoped to lead them to respond in
a responsible manner to the call to be key players in the drama of
the history that was unfolding before their small and simple lives.
Who would ever think that such young children could impact history
to such an extent?
Every heart open with humility and with a generous availability to
the designs of the Heart of God is the foundation upon which great
works of love and grace are built. The Lord chooses, throughout the
history of the Church, humble and simple hearts to bring about his
designs. The only thing that God needs to enter into history and to
powerfully carry out its plan of salvation is a heart totally opened
to the will of God. Who knows better than the Blessed Virgin, this
profound reality?
It was her heart that received and embraced that design of God, by
which he had chosen to become man and to enter into the world in
order to save it. She is the one who has opened her heart wide to
the Heart of Christ, and because of this, the Incarnation ushers in
the new alliance, the intimate relationship of the Heart of Jesus
with the Heart of Mary, a relationship of hearts whose fruit was the
redemption of all humanity. The fiat of Mary’s heart “Behold, I am
the handmaid of the Lord”, is the perfect response of love to the
fiat of the Heart of God made man: “when he came into the world, he
said: Behold, I have come to do your will” (Heb 10, 7). The fiat of
the human heart is the only necessary condition for God to be able
to carry out great works of grace in each moment of history, and for
the promise made by the Blessed Mother in the Magnificat to be
realized: “His mercy reaches from generation to generation,” (Lk
To Read the Signs of the Times
In order to be able to give a fiat to the designs of God’s heart,
each generation needs to know how to identify both the signs of
light and of darkness being manifested in their time, just as the
Holy Father tells us in his letter Tertio Millennio Adveniente, 17
“We should seek all that gives testimony, not only to what man does,
but also to the interventions of God in the midst of human
hardships. To read the signs of the times, as the Second Vatican
Council teaches is to identify the significant indications, clear
and evident of the presence and action of the Spirit of God in
history. As we read in the Constitution Gaudium et Spes, 4: “to the
Church belongs the permanent responsibility to scrutinize thoroughly
the signs of the times and to interpret them in the light of the
Gospel, so that each generation can respond to the perennial
questions of mankind.”
Therefore, each generation has the responsibility to discover the
movements of the Holy Spirit so it can: 1) build the reign of God in
the course of history. 2) counteract the forces of darkness that
close in on humanity’s horizons 3) reach the hearts of the men and
women of that historic period and to reveal to them the saving love
of Christ. 4) strengthen the Church with men and women who are
willing to be luminous witnesses in the midst of the world’s
Therefore the warning that Jesus gives us in Mt.16: 3-4, should
today resound strongly in our hearts: “You know how to judge the
appearance of the sky, but you can not judge the signs of the
times”. The Church at the beginning of the Third Millennium, should
call to mind the manifestations of the Spirit in her generation to
understand what is her particular mission at this moment in history.
“By recalling the past, we acquire a more vivid consciousness of our
true identitÿ, told us John Paul II in his last book, “Memory and
Our generation which knows how to explore the universe, the planets,
the depths of the seas and the mysteries of science, should stop and
reflect in depth, for the designs of God on our history, the events
and incidents that have characterized our times and be able to give
an adequate and responsible response. It is a necessity!
The Shadows of the Twentieth Century
Let us mention John Paul II’s
evaluation at the beginning of the Third Millennium before the
diplomatic body of the Holy See: “as we reflect on this past
century, it is necessary to consider in this respect: this century
will pass through history as the century that has seen the greatest
advancements in science and technology, but also as the century in
which human life has been scorned in the most brutal way: cruel
wars, totalitarianism, legalization of abortion and euthanasia,
dissemination of the cultural values of consumerism and a hedonistic
ideology at all cost. A century of great moral crisis, due to its
abandonment of ethical values.” We could say that the Twentieth
Century is characterized by a crisis of love.
Man has disrupted the equilibrium of creation and has forgotten that
he is responsible for his brethren...has fallen into the temptation
of using and abusing the gifts the Creator has placed in his hands.
“In the beginning of this millennium, let us save man who in this
era, has gravely fallen into the most dangerous temptation of the
heart of man, believing he can become master of nature and of
Our generation has built three great idols: 1. happiness at any cost
2. the exclusive value of material riches 3. science as the only
explanation of reality. These idols can only be brought down by a
profound conversion of heart, by turning his heart away from his
egocentric love of self, and turning towards true love, the love of
God and the love of neighbor.
In view of this historical reality, fruit of man’s misuse of freedom
and also fruit of a diabolical action, Pope Benedict XVI, as vicar
of Christ, called to mind: “History, in fact, is not in the hands of
impending darkness, of chance or of human options. Before the
unleashing of evil powers, before the vehement outburst of Satan,
before so many blows and evils, the Lord is lifted up, as supreme
arbiter of the hardships of history.”
Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone told us, that it was precisely for this
reason and as a result of it, that at the beginning of the third
millennium John Paul II decided to make public the third part of the
“secret” of Fatima; revealing that this chapter of Twentieth Century
history, that was tragically marked by evil, was foremost
encountered and defeated by the merciful love of the Heart of Jesus
and the Heart of the Blessed Virgin.
The Two Hearts have been revealing since the beginning of the last
century, particular designs of mercy for us and our historic period.
Designs that began to manifest themselves to the world in the summer
of 1916, when the angel in Portugal told the little shepherds: “What
are you doing? Pray! Pray much! The Hearts of Jesus and Mary have
designs of mercy on you. Offer unceasingly to the Almighty prayer
and sacrifices.”
In this second message, the angel admonished the children for not
taking seriously the urgency of the message, for not taking
seriously those designs. The Two Hearts had designs of mercy to
fulfill in humanity “through their fiat”, through their free and
generous co-operation, therefore they needed to be responsible, for
much depended on them. The angel made them understand that love is
always responsible, that love and responsibility go together. The
human person, John Paul II says, is an actor in the drama of the
world, who writes the true history, the history of love or of its
Designs of Mercy
In the Apostolic Letter Tertio
Millennio Adveniente, John Paul II invited us to: “value and reflect
deeply on the signs of hope present at the end of the previous
century, in spite of the shadows that often hide these from our
In the drama of the Twentieth Century, Jacinta, Francisco and Lucia
would play a crucial role. The words of the angel: “offer sacrifice
in everything you do,” became the rule of life for these little
shepherds. The words of the Blessed Virgin: “do not offend God any
more for He is already very offended”, pierced the heart of
Francisco who offered himself as a victim of reparation and
consolation to the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus. How many hours he
spent before the Blessed Sacrament, to accompany Him and repair for
the abandonment of man in our age!
Jacinta, moved by a deep love for
sinners, whom she saw condemned to hell because nobody prayed and
sacrificed for them, offers herself as victim for sinners. She
desired that her life and sacrifice would become, --as she herself
said--: “a barrier that would prevent sinners from entering hell.”
Jacinta saw a suffering Pope and offered herself for him… A Pope,
who cried and covered his face with his hands… A Pope, wounded… a
Pope for whom she offered her life, although she did not know him,
who had not even been born yet.
The sacrifices of one girl had the
power to change history in such a way, that, John Paul II, towards
whom, on the 13th of May, 1981, at 5:17pm, a professional assassin
fires from a few steps away with precision to kill, would later
state with certainty: “one hand fired and one maternal hand guided
the path of the bullet”, allowing the “agonizing Pope” to be
detained “at death’s door”(1994). As a result, on the 13th of May in
2000, with great emotion John Paul II proclaimed in Fatima during
the homily of the beatification Mass of the two little shepherds:
“Thank you, Jacinta, for saving my life!”. The Pope is a witness
that in the end the Immaculate Heart will triumph, “the maternal
Heart of Mary is stronger than the assassin’s bullet”… and for this
reason he wanted the bullet that had pierced his body to be inserted
into the crown of the Virgin of Fatima in the Cova de Iria…
During that same occasion, the Holy
Father, through Secretary of State Cardinal Sodano, wanted to reveal
to the world the awaited Third Secret and to reveal that the Pope,
who had walked trembling among the corpses and through a generation
in ruins, was actually himself. However, the most powerful
revelation of this secret was not so much the signs, but rather the
message, as Cardinal Ratzinger, now Benedict XVI explained: “the
call to conversion and penance is central and at the same time it
clearly manifests that history does not unfold in a predetermined
outcome, as if all were written without being able to be altered,
but rather continues to be a history of freedom: where prayer and
penance can change prophetic events”.
“The entire secret is a dramatic call to the liberty of man; a call
to change oneself , and therefore change the course of history: this
is precisely what the secret has in common with the Apocalypse.
If the Pope on the 13th of May in
1981 was protected from death, it is a sign of how “history can be
changed through prayer” (Cardinal Ratzinger, in “God and the World”
2002). History can change if generous hearts are available to
fulfill the designs of mercy of the Two Hearts!!
St. Maximilian
In the same year that Jacinta,
Francisco and Lucia , responded “yes, we do “ to the question posed
by the Lady from heaven: “Do you want to offer yourselves to God, to
bear all the sufferings that He desires to send you as reparation
for the sins with which He is offended and in supplication for the
conversion of sinners? You will have much to suffer, but the grace
of God will strengthen you”, there was a young Polish seminarian in
Rome, who gave his fiat to the Immaculate One to work fervently in
the world for the reign of the Heart of Jesus. St. Maximilian on
October 16th, 1917 founded, three days after the great miracle of
the sun, the Knights of the Immaculata: “We have to win over the
whole world and every soul, now and in the future, till the end of
times, for the Immaculate One, and through her for the Sacred Heart
of Jesus.”
St. Maximilian, understood that this
conquest of hearts for the reign of the Two Hearts, would not come
about without a great battle. As John Paul II tells us in the
encyclical Mother of the Redeemer #11, “the victory of the woman’s
son would not come about without a difficult battle that would
penetrate all of human history. Mary is positioned at the very
center of that struggle which parallels the history of humanity on
earth and in the same way the history of salvation.”
St. Maximilian, with prophetic
vision, understood the signs of his time and was quoted as saying,
some time before World War II broke out: “these modern times are
dominated by Satan and this will increase in the future. The
conflict with hell can not be embraced by men, not even by the most
intelligent ones. Only the Immaculate One has God’s promise of
victory over Satan.” These words were a prophecy fulfilled in the
life of St. Maximilian, who only a few years after having said these
words, would confront the horror of seeing the City of the
Immaculata stripped of everything by the Nazi’s, and who, in the
middle of a concentration camp, would rise as a great witness to the
triumph of love and of the reign of the Two Hearts, as he stepped up
and handed over his life to save another’s. Many survivors of that
place of horror and death, later said: “after the act of Father
Maximilian, nothing was the same in Auschwitz , even the Nazi
doctors would hide the sick, to save them”. He died as he lived: all
for the reign of the Sacred Heart through the Immaculate Heart… “for
this” he said “I live, work and suffer… and with the help of the
Immaculate One, I’ll die for this.” This great knight of the Blessed
Virgin also changed history.
St. Maria Faustina
After only two years that the City of
the Immaculata had been founded in Poland like a visible sign of the
reign of the Heart of Mary in that country, there, just a short
distance away, in that very same nation, a young religious, Saint
Faustina Kowalska, receives for the world submerged in the darkness
of the years prior to World War II, the revelation of the Merciful
Heart of Jesus. Through her, Christ told the world and our history
that evil never achieves the definitive victory. And that life
prevails over death and love triumphs over hate. That if sin
appeared to be the theme of this generation, mercy is His response.
For His mercy reaches from generation to generation. “Human misery
is not an obstacle for my mercy. My daughter, write: “however great
is the misery of souls, so much greater is it’s right to my mercy,
and I invite all souls to trust in the inconceivable abyss of My
Mercy”. (D.1182) (D.300) “Humanity will not find peace or
tranquility until it returns with trust to My Divine Mercy”.
St. Faustina also offered herself as the children of Fatima, for
sinners, especially for those who had lost hope in the merciful
heart of God. In her mission of offering herself she even reaches
the point of experiencing in her own body, the pain and the
consequences of the abortions carried out in Poland illegally in the
late hours of the night, in this way becoming a victim soul for
“The Secretary of Mercy” of the Heart
of Christ, transmits a message that transformed and transforms the
history of our generation. Our modern world, so rich in the
sciences, in technology and discoveries, is not capable in the end
of making sense out of our proper existence. It finds itself divided
in it’s interior, moved by selfishness and hatred, by war and death,
and, it must once again find the strength and the reasons to be able
to live and to hope. Christians believe and affirm that these
reasons and this strength can alone be found in the heart of God.
Therefore, today’s world which experiences and will experience it’s
own poverty is in need more than ever of the gift of grace and of
mercy that only God can offer….a gratuitous mystery of the love of
God for humanity. Our world and the human heart is in need of God’s
love, the only love in which man can rest.
“In the designs of Providence nothing is pure coincidence”, says
JPII: A Polish boy, who grew to be Fr. Maximilian, had received two
crowns from the Blessed Virgin, one red and one white; a Polish
religious, receives the unfathomable gift of contemplating two rays,
red and white, the Blood and Water that flowed from the Heart of
Jesus….and a few years later, Poland, gives the Church and the
world, a Pope whose white was stained with blood on a 13th of May in
St. Peter’s square. In this way Poland fulfills the prophecy given
by the Heart of Jesus to St. Faustina: “I love Poland in a
particular way and if she obeys my wishes I will exalt her in power
and holiness. From her will come the spark that will prepare the
world for the second coming” (D. 1732).
Poland and Fatima…two great torrents meeting in a single ocean… the
ocean of the infinite mercy of the Heart of Jesus
John Paul II: The Pope of the Two Hearts who Fulfills the Designs
of Mercy
As a witness to the great struggles
of the Twentieth Century, he has justifiably been called “The
Great”: “I will raise her up (Poland) in power and holiness”: John
Paul II the Great ! From an early age, in addition to his personal
sufferings, he experienced the dramatic and heroic struggles of his
country, Poland. In the most recent decades he was also a
protagonist, first as a priest, later as a Bishop and finally as
Pope—in many episodes of the history of Europe and of the entire
world. All this, as he himself confirmed, led him to a maturity in
his understanding of the various forms in which evil seeks to
influence history. In his book Memory and Identity, he told us: “The
history of humanity is a plot of the coexistence between good and
evil. In our times, evil has grown excessively, to the extent that
it has reached gigantic proportions. An evil that utilizes the
infrastructures of the state to achieve its designs, an evil
systematically built.”
At the same time, the Pope was able to probe intensely into the evil
of these times, and also was able to discover with certainty of
heart, what St. Paul tells us in Rom. 5:20: “Where sin is in
abundance, there is a superabundance of grace.” In an interview, he
was asked on what he based his confidence given the darkness of
these times: “In the power of the love of the merciful heart of
Christ, for I am convinced that in the end, it alone will be
victorious and that the maternal force that prepares these triumphs
is the Immaculate Heart of Mary.” Therefore he tells us in his book
Crossing the Threshold of Hope: “The victory if it comes, will be
achieved through Mary. Christ will conquer by means of Her, because
He wants the victories of the Church in the contemporary world and
in the future world to be united to Her.”
If John Paul II lived convinced of this truth, he was then a witness
of the many and different ways, from the realities of his own nation
to the fall of Soviet communism, of Mary’s maternal participation in
a powerful way in the victory of the Heart of Christ over the evils
of the world, and that the surest means to activate this maternal
mediation is through consecration to her Heart. The great
Mariologist Stephano D’Fiores: “If the most recent popes have spoken
favorably on the Marian Consecration, John Paul II has made it one
of the key characteristics of his pontificate. For John Paul II, the
consecration to Mary, is an essential point in his spiritual and
pastoral life.”
And how could he not have done it, if he as well as all of us, are
witnesses of what the Blessed Virgin has done in the history of our
lives, nations and families to make the reign of her Son prevail
over the threats of evil? Have we not seen how the act of
consecration of the world to the Immaculate Heart in 1984, brought
down “miraculously, without a drop of blood” the totalitarian and
atheistic system of Russian communism which had given to the church
its greatest martyrs of the XX Century? What is not well known is
that as the Pope pronounced the act of consecration in communion
with all the Bishops, there was a bishop, now deceased, Bishop
Hnilica, who secretly entered the Kremlin, and there, in the heart
of international communism , the center of a political, military and
ideological power, that wanted to build a new world, a society
without God, celebrated the Holy Mass in hiding, perhaps the first
in 70 years, and prayed the prayer of consecration that the Pope was
reciting at the same time from St. Peter’s Square.
As Bishop Hnilica concluded the prayer he perceived clearly that the
Hearts of Jesus and Mary were beginning to reign in that place. He
smiled as he read on a large sign: “Communism will conquer and
dominate the whole world”….It’s time is running out, said the Bishop
to his companion…the Two Hearts will triumph in Russia, because the
merciful love of Jesus conquers sin, hatred, violence and evil! And
that is what happened. Because the essence of mercy is to reveal
that love is stronger than death. “The power of this consecration
will always encompass all men, towns and nations and overcomes all
evil that the spirit of darkness is capable of sowing in the history
and hearts of men and has in fact sown in our times,” (words of the
Consecration Prayer of 1984).
In the sanctuary of the merciful love in Italy, John Paul II told us
in November 1981: “From the start of my Petrine ministry , I
considered the message of the mercy of the Heart of Christ, to be my
particular mission. Divine Providence had assigned this mission to
me, due to the condition of today’s man, of the Church, and of the
world. At the same time, I could say that it is precisely this
critical situation, that assigns me the responsibility of being a
messenger of the merciful heart, this being my task before God and
men. I will obtain it, if the Mother of God, helps me accomplish
His task before God and men!! A task very well accomplished! He died
as he lived, as St. Paul in Romans 14 tells us: “None of us lives
for oneself, and no one dies for oneself. For if we live, we live
for the Lord, and if we die, we die for the Lord.” He surrendered
his life generously to be a luminous witness of the love of the
merciful Heart of Christ and of the maternal Heart of Mary….that was
the task he accomplished so well even in his death, which came about
on a First Saturday (Feast of Our Lady), and also on the vigil of
the Feast of the Divine Mercy. He was a witness not only by his
words, but even with his gestures. What an eloquent gesture he left
us before his death! He died between the Two Hearts, for which he
gave his life, drop by drop, to promote their reign in the world, to
give testimony that the love of these hearts is stronger than all
the evil of our history, of our generation. “Only love creates, only
love triumphs”, St. Maximilian Kolbe taught us, because “only love
has an invincible potential”, these words were the reason why a wave
of love covered Rome, and the whole world, after John Paul’s death,
during his funeral. We have seen how suffering for love burns and
consumes evil with the call to love and also obtains from sin a
flourishing of many forms of good.
A Witness for Our Generation
The lives and words of these great
witnesses to love of the XX century, are the greatest signs of mercy
we have received in our time. Now it is up to us to build the
history of the XXI Century, the history of our generation…Where evil
grows, the Christian has the great opportunity to combat it with
good, with a good that can reach heroic levels. For evil is
conquered by good, but not without much sacrifice, and at times even
by the giving of one’s life.
In John Paul II’s last book, published only two months prior to his
death, he explains that evil is always the absence of a good not
carried out at a particular moment, which a specific generation
should have achieved, which hearts should have generously offered;
but it is never a complete absence of good. It is a great challenge,
brothers and sisters, because evil grows where there is an absence
of good… And at the same time there is great hope knowing, that if
we cooperate with good, evil will be uprooted from history. What a
great responsibility!
Today the words of the angel of Portugal to the children, resounds
like an echo in our hearts…”what are you doing? The hearts of Jesus
and Mary have designs of mercy upon you”. Fatima continues to be
present to us… continues to speak to us. In his book Crossing the
Threshold of Hope, the Holy Father John-Paul II told us: “The words
of Fatima appear to be getting closer to their fulfillment at the
end of the century, to their fulfillment.” What are you doing? What
are we doing?
“This generation has the mission of taking the Gospel to the
humanity of the future. You are the witnesses of Christ in the new
millennium. Be very conscious of this and respond with prompt
fidelity to this urgent call. The Church is counting on you. “Do not
be afraid of being the saints and apostles of the Third Millennium.”
(Holy Father John Paul II, Nov. 21, 2000)
Brothers and sisters, the doors of this new millennium are opened…we
have to enter and cross the threshold and begin the path. A path
marked by the love of the hearts of Jesus and Mary; they go before
us, they are our banner, showing us how we are to make this journey.
We are writing history. We should all write it with our personal and
collective lives of holiness and by saying fiat to their designs.
Today, as was the same yesterday and tomorrow, this generation has a
responsibility before God and before men. So many, have been
willing, like Blessed Jacinta and Francisco, like Lucia, like St.
Maximilian, St. Faustina, like John Paul II, to fulfill with a
generous offering of their own lives, the designs of mercy of the
Two Hearts… others have closed their hearts to those designs, as the
Holy Father states in a poem: “The division of the generations
passes between those who have not paid enough and those who have
paid more than their share”… and on what side are we?
The modern age has been characterized for being one of revolutions,
of drastic changes that have been rapid and profound. Unfortunately
these revolutions have been leading man away from God and for this
its effects have been ill fated. They have wanted to raise man above
Look at some of these revolutions:
The Enlightenment -- Revolution, the primacy of reason
French Revolution -- the primacy of the rights of man
Communist Revolution -- the primacy of the State
Industrial Revolution -- the primacy of work
Scientific Revolution-- the primacy of knowledge
Sexual Revolution -- the primacy of pleasure
I invite you to make the XXI Century, a century of revolution, of
drastic and profound change, that this century may pass through
history as the one of the revolution of love, of which the primacy
is the Heart, the center of love, whose fountain is the Heart of
Christ and whose perfect reflection is the Heart of Mary. “The man
of the year 2000 needs the Heart of Christ to come to know God and
to know himself; he is in need of Him if he is to build a
civilization of love” (JPII, 1999)
Sister Lucia told Cardinal Meisner on May 2002: “The Blessed Virgin
of Fatima still has much to accomplish, until the Sacred Hearts of
Jesus and Mary triumph in our world.” Therefore, let us pray
together with St. Maximilian Kolbe these words of his consecration
prayer: “In your pure and merciful hands make me a useful
instrument, so as to introduce and increase your glory in so many
tepid and indifferent souls, and in this way, increase as much as
possible the blessed Reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.”
Brothers and Sisters, the Two Hearts have designs of Mercy for us,
we should understand the seriousness of the moment, the greatness of
having been chosen, so we can respond with maturity and
responsibility to be the witnesses to love in this new millennium.
Let us generously dispose ourselves to fulfill the designs of love
of the Two Hearts, let us become instruments to bring about the
revolution of love that HH. Benedict XVI just called us to: “a
revolution not based on strategies of economic, political or media
power. The revolution of love, a love that does not base itself
definitively in human resources, but in the gift of God, that is
obtained only and unreservedly in his merciful goodness”.
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