Novena to the Two Hearts

 Mother Adela Galindo, SCTJM

For private use only -©


Oh Sacred Heart of Jesus, out of love you let yourself be pierced pouring forth blood and water, we pray that you free us, purify us and grant us the grace that our hearts may be transformed from hearts of stone to hearts of flesh.

May we by contemplating the love and sacrifice of your Heart be moved to go from selfishness to love; from pride to humility; from rebellion to meekness; from darkness to light.

Oh, Immaculate Heart of Mary, by your perfect communion of love with the Heart of your Son you received spiritually the same sword that pierced His Heart, we pray that you may teach us to reach that same communion of love. May our hearts imitating yours Mother, be docile to the action of the Holy Spirit, so that we may thus be instruments of peace, light, life and love.

Oh, Hearts of Jesus and Mary, whose triumph and spiritual reign we await and desire, we ask that you grant us the grace of:___________________________________________________

Manifest your reign in our hearts through a life of virtue and holiness, so that in these times we may bring to fulfillment the mission to be witnesses and apostles of your Two Hearts.


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